Regain Your Smile Quickly With All-on-4® in Jersey City and Hoboken

If you’re missing all your teeth on either your upper or lower jaw and you’re tired of dentures, you should consider All-on-4 implants in Jersey City and Hoboken. The dentists of Strong Roots Dental love using this technique to give our patients back their teeth because you can get your implants and new teeth all in the same day. Other benefits of All-on-4 treatment include:

  • Long-lasting results that will give you years of a beautiful smile and strong bite
  • Greater confidence to smile in public, both when socializing and in your professional life
  • More enjoyment when dining out and trying new dishes
  • A warm and genuine smile that will naturally draw others to you

Your new smile is waiting for you at Strong Roots Dental. Call us today at our Jersey City office (551) 553-4277 or our Hoboken office at (551) 288-0255 to schedule a consultation to find out more about All-on-4.

Improve Your Quality of Life Thanks to Our All-on-4® Implant Procedure

All-on-4 dental implants refers to the number of implants that you receive in your jawline. We place four artificial titanium tooth roots at specific places in your jawline. It’s ideal for patients with strong enough jawbone health to support the implants. If you have experienced significant bone loss in your jaw, we can discuss your options to become a candidate for dental implants.

Here is what you can expect for this procedure:

  • It’s important we get a clear picture of your mouth before we begin. Your dentist will plan the placement of your implants with our 3-D scanner and digital X-rays.
  • Then, we’ll use computer-guided placement technology to place the four implants in your jaw. Two will be placed near the front of your jaw vertically and two near the back at an angle for better stability overall.
  • You’ll leave our office with a complete set of teeth in just one appointment. Keep in mind that your new teeth will be temporary, and you’ll need to return for your permanent set.

More than 95 percent of people are happy with the results of this procedure. You can be one of them too! For All-on-4® implants in Hoboken, call (551) 288-0255 or in Jersey City call (551) 553-4277 for an appointment. Or schedule online.